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Philanthropist & Author Leesa Rowland Unlock the Secrets of Magnetic Charm with New Book The Charisma Factor

Leesa RowlandLeesa Rowland, author of the best-selling self-help/motivational book Discovering the It Factor within You: Developing Your Charismatic Personality, has announced the release of the sequel titled The Charisma Factor: Unlock the Secrets of Magnetic Charm and Personal Influence in Your Life, hitting stores nationwide and electronically on May 25, 2021.

Published by Hatherleigh Press, the 224-page self-help book follows the release of Rowland’s first book, Discovering the It Factor within You.

The Charisma Factor’s synopsis is as follows:

Charisma is an unseen but powerful force that has many different facets. Charisma is a special and compelling spark that makes you unique, and sets you apart from the rest of the crowd, and it is something all people possess–whether they are aware of it or not. Devoting a little time to connecting with our inner selves, learning what makes us truly special, and incorporating this magnetic quality into our personality can have untold benefits on our lives. The Charisma Factor is the ultimate handbook that unlocks the mysterious formula for charm and influence. Whether you’re someone who lives in the spotlight, or you’re a college graduate just starting out on a career, this book will improve the way you communicate and interact with others. Packed with useful lessons and Leesa’s personal tips, The Charisma Factor will be your go-to instruction manual to embrace your individuality, discover your authenticity and empower yourself like never before.

Author Rowland explains this was the “best time” to come out with the book. “I think it’s especially important now and when we’re coming out of the pandemic. I want to help people become the best that they can be. One of the chapters that’s a really strong chapter is about different charismatic personalities, the traits that they have, and their magnetism. It’s like a behavior study really,” Rowland says.

The Charisma FactorThe paperback version ($15.95) that’s slated to come out May 25, 2021 is available for pre-order and will be sold by Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart, Penguin Random House, Books A Million,, Hudson Booksellers, IndieBound, Powell’s and Amazon.

The eBook version ($12.99) is also available for pre-order and will be sold on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, Google Play Store, Kobo.

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