
Mindset Wellness Demystifying CBD

From CEOs to Moms & Athletes

How do you want to feel? You get to choose. That’s the mantra of Jonathan and Rene Shapiro’s burgeoning company, Mindset Wellness, which specializes in CBD products. The key to their success is helping people understand what CBD is (and isn’t), and how to best use it for positive results. Their products range from gummies to drops to creams, and with product names including Focus, Happy, Calm, and Rest, they help take the guesswork out of which products a customer should use. From CEOs to moms to athletes, they know what people want because they have been there themselves.

Rene and Jonathan, married for 31 years, previously had tremendous entrepreneurial success having founded the iconic store Beautiful Girl in Woodmere. They then founded the Mixology Clothing Company. This fast fashion boutique exploded into upscale locations, including the Hamptons and the Upper East Side. But, despite all the success, there were internal emotional challenges.

Retailer of the Year: Dealing With Anxiety

Jonathan confided, “For most of my career, I had to hide my anxiety from the world.” As a CEO, he didn’t feel he could talk about being anxious. “People didn’t know in 2018 when I was Retailer of the Year, that I was actually suffering. Traumas that I experienced from a very early age kept revisiting themselves. For a long time, they were abated with pharmaceuticals that helped me to numb some of the pain. But at some point, it became untenable. Then a friend offered me a little bottle with a hemp leaf on it, but I didn’t want it. I wasn’t interested in feeling out of control.”

People associate anything to do with cannabis (marijuana) as causing a person to feel “high” and out of control, but several decades ago, Israeli scientists became the first to isolate the different compounds of the cannabis plant. In simple terms, the THC element causes the ‘high” while the CBD element causes the calming effect.

Best in Class Products: Natural, Vegan & Organic

Still in emotional distress, Jonathan gave CBD a try, and it was a game changer. “I suddenly felt something lifted from me. And that was the start of it. It made me feel better, then it made my wife feel better, then it made my kids feel better, then it made my friends feel better. Everything grew from there.”

Jonathan felt almost a calling to enter the growing CBD market and help demystify the product he felt had changed his life. Rene shared his passion, and, together, they started the online company Mindset Wellness. Coming from a background in the luxury market, the only way for them to go is “best in class” products. For them, top quality means natural, vegan, and organic. For example, they use apple pectin instead of gelatin for their gummies, and coconut oil in their drops. All the CBD is grown and packaged in the United States and is third-party tested.

Mom’s Time Out

One of their more popular products was spearheaded by Rene. As a mom, she saw an opportunity to help other moms realize CBD can make them feel happy and calm, but it’s not going to get them high or make them feel stoned. In close collaboration with Lyss Stern, founder of DivaMoms, the product Mom’s Time Out was created. Rene shared, “Lyss recently went on Good Day New York to talk with Rosanna Scotto to explain the product, and sales exploded. Lyss connected with moms because they can certainly use a time out.”

CBD for Dogs: Pampered Pooch Package

Their product line doesn’t just stop with people. Not long ago, the couple adopted a mini golden doodle, Winnie, whom they adore. She came from Amish country and had never seen cars before. She was terrified. In the house, she was sweet and calm, but outside, she would hold onto Jonathan’s leg. Understanding what it feels like to be anxious and wanting to help, he started giving her beef jerky treats infused with CBD. After two weeks, she became happy and relaxed outside. Moxy Hotels, known for being dog friendly, now includes the Mindset Wellness Beef Jerky CBD for Dogs as part of Moxy’s new Pampered Pooch Package. (The American Kennel Club currently states CBD is fine for dogs.)

Isaac Boots & Torch’d

The growth of the company continues. Recently, they’ve teamed up with fitness guru, Isaac Boots, who is known for his Torch’d workouts. Isaac and his husband, Jeff, who are good friends with Jonathan and Rene, put their heads together and created something unique. The result is a transdermal patch applied to your skin to slowly release a special formula into the body to mimic feeling like you’re at one of Isaac’s Torch’d classes—anxiety comes down, and energy comes up.

Calm Gummies

Since their company is constantly growing and demanding more time, when asked what it’s like to be married and working together, Rene responded, “I take a lot of our calm gummies.” She proceeded to laugh, and Jonathan smiled, adding, “It’s true.” It seems the family that works together, stays together . . . with a little help.