Art & Culture

Miami Artist HIIMSAM Brings Visionary Work Beyond the Canvas and Into the Mind

Art has no boundaries, and no one knows this better than multimedia artist HIIMSAM.

The Miami based visionary is known for taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary. Trailblazing work for her has been seen by the masses – from Art Basel to private yacht parties and even live painting at the launch of Waldorf Astoria in Florida. There is no limit as to where her collections have stirred up raw emotions with her non-traditional art forms. And that is a very, very good thing.

Exploring all mediums allows her to fulfill

And understand her mission to explore how the mental is transformed into the physical. Through her creative vision, HIIMSAM aims to depict an understanding of how her influence is derived from solid beliefs in the law of attraction and synchronicity. She is fiercely breaking barriers as she dives deep into hidden meanings to what lies deep in the human subconscious. when you evaluate one her pieces, you’ll come to the realization that everything in this life is connected.

While absorbing such pieces as “The Modern Lisa” (2019); “Causing Nonsense Really” (2021) and “Don’t Let People Who Don’t Matter Too Much, Matter Too Much” (2021), the viewer can explore their incredible journey on the road to artistic glory. These are not elitist pieces, but rather individual dots that connect pop culture to fine arts in a very seamless manner.

“I think that there’s a system that we’re born into that wants to keep you in a bubble,” she states. “And once you realize that you can reach out to limitless opportunities you kind of can’t help but just want to cross a boundary.”

The quoted principle applies to one of her latest art installations at the Art With Me Festival at Virginia Key Beach Park , in which HIIMSAM took a large-scale canvas and allowed nearly 300 invited guests to dive deep into their emotions as they painted. During their collab, she advised them to question what made them comfortable vs what made them go beyond their level of basic reason. She forced them, in essence, to really question what their normal level of comfortability means to them as individuals & to express it in art.

“It’s just a visual representation of all that’s been placed in front of us. It’s just merely an obstacle to simply step over.”

The ingenuity of HIIMSAM is the simplicity that all art is truly art. We must be willing to open our eyes to see the honesty in the work.

“We’re all different but we can still share and respect each other’s ideas,” she goes on. “Open up our minds to become our best version and showing up as that individual, not trying so hard fit. We are all so different and that’s okay. The real power is to step into yourself and really get to know you as an individual for the better”.

Open your own mind today and check out her captivating art at