
Make Your Holidays Special with Winston Flowers’ Beautiful Bouquets


One of the world’s most highly regarded florists, Winston Flowers sources florals from the finest global growers to create the freshest and most exceptional arrangements

Founded in 1944 by father-son duo Robert and Maynard Winston, Winston Flowers’ journey began as a pushcart of flowers on Boston’s iconic Newbury Street. With a focus on excellence in both product and service, Winston Flowers made a name for itself with its forward-looking florals and team of industry-leading designers. Over 75 years later, third-generation Winston Flowers is one of the world’s most highly regarded florists, providing best-in-class florals and design services to clients in New York City, Greenwich, Boston, and beyond. The florist’s recently-opened 12,000 square-foot facility in Long Island City is a world-class floral design studio that expands the company’s delivery reach to Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx.

Our talented team of designers at the Long Island City studio continue to push boundaries and take inspiration from the vibrant city around them to create truly innovative designs that delight our clients in Manhattan and the surrounding areas,” said Ted Winston, co-owner and third generation family member of Winston Flowers.

Committed to fostering quality in every aspect of its business, Winston Flowers’ distinction is accomplished in their award-winning floral design.  The New York team offers a full menu of services to suit each and every lifestyle, provided by a team renowned for professionalism, design expertise, and meticulous attention to detail.

Winston Flowers creates nine entirely unique collections each year to reflect both the seasons and annual holidays: Winter, Valentine’s Day, Spring, Mother’s Day, Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn, and Holiday. To create its top quality floral designs, Winston Flowers buyers scour the globe to find the most exceptional products in the floral marketplace. The team prioritizes the most exclusive and long-lasting flowers available in each season, taking into account their unique attributes, freshness, color, and assigned quality ‘grades.’ Winston Flowers buys only the top grade available in order to ensure peak performance and quality of each flower. Winston Flowers'

Staying true to its reputation for world-class product, Winston Flowers buys directly from farmers or international brokers rather than wholesalers. Winston Flowers works with only the finest growers around the globe, and has longstanding relationships with most of them—some spanning more than 20 years. Operating with extreme selectivity, Winston Flowers buyers have traveled the world to meet with growers, visit their farms, and test the products. Today, they remain in daily communication.

The Winston Flowers design team hails from around the world and thrives in a dynamic culture that shares a passion for excellence, with many team members having been a part of the Winston family for over two decades. Led by General Manager Carine Bonnet, Winston Flowers’ New York designers take influence from the décor and fashion worlds in addition to floral trends. Container buyers and product designers frequent cutting edge décor and design shows to find inspiration, particularly in Paris.

Winston Flowers'

 By listening carefully to each client’s needs, Winston Flowers translates emotion into exquisite arrangements that express what words can’t quite say. In addition to honoring its clients’ individual stories, another pillar of the Winston Flowers brand is its commitment to the local community.

With a worldwide online presence, Winston Flowers has four shops throughout New England, including the original Newbury Street location, and one in Greenwich, Connecticut. Their design studios are located in both Boston and Long Island City. Please visit and for more information, visit

About Winston Flowers:

With 75 years of experience and a reputation for excellence, Winston Flowers provides best-in-class products and service to clients in New York City, Greenwich, Boston, and beyond.  Winston Flowers’ mission is to make every person feel special and create meaningful designs that allow people to communicate what words cannot. Today, Winston Flowers has two state-of-the-art design studios in Boston and New York City, as well as four retail shops in Massachusetts and Greenwich, CT, with same-day delivery services throughout the wider region.