
Sofie Mählkvist Swedish Philanthropist’s Debut


 Regent’s University London


Meet 22-year-old Sofie Mählkvist, Swedish socialite and budding philanthropist. Sofie is stepping into New York’s social scene this fall. “I’ve been spending my summers in the Hamptons and New York for most of my life. I have family friends here, and it’s really the place where I’ve always felt like home,” said Sofie from Paris, where she has been working at a fashion startup.



The Junior League


Newly graduated from Regent’s University London, where she studied marketing and global management, the young and brainy beauty recently arrived in town for Fashion Week. Sofie will continue her work with the Junior League, of which she is a chair member in London, the organization’s only European branch. Sofie is also eager to lend her talents to nonprofits in the arts and charities aiding women and children.



Philanthropic Work


In London, where the native Swede has spent much of her life, Sofie’s work with the Junior League includes serving in soup kitchens, fundraising and working with new immigrants to help them integrate into their U.K. communities. Working with immigrants, teaching the English language, assisting with settlement issues and helping to navigate red tape took center stage over the past 18 months. “That’s really what’s been possible to do during the lockdowns, because this can be done through Zoom,” Sofie explained.



Animal Welfare


She is also involved with charities operating in Latin America, supporting child and animal welfare, and environmental preservation. Looking to go on an extended trip volunteering in a developing country, Sofie’s research led her to someone with extensive contacts at Guatemalan charities who could help with placements. 



Magical Classroom  


Understaffed and in dire need of help, several Guatemalan organizations indicated they’d love to have her assistance, via tools like Zoom and Skype. Magical Classroom trains young adults to teach children aged 4-6 in areas of the country with little access to preschools and kindergartens, providing nutrition to underprivileged children and preparing them for success when they enter school.



Guatemalan Causes


Ayuda, an animal welfare organization, supports stray animals with vaccinations, food, medical care, and shelter. IMAP – The Mesoamerican Permaculture Institute – has an ecological education center that promotes permaculture techniques, local biodiversity conservation, production of organic food and a seed bank. Sofie has been working with these charities, helping with fundraising, outreach strategies, marketing and social media campaigns and various other tasks. She helped set up an online shop for Ayuda to sell accessories like dog collars to help raise money. Through social media, she’s helped them to promote their Etsy and Instagram stores. “I help with basic types of background things since I haven’t been able to be in the field.”



NYC: Arts  


Once settled in the city, Sofie looks forward to lending her support to New York’s plethora of artistic and cultural institutions. “I’ve always felt really connected to art; it’s something that can connect everyone around us in such a powerful way. I would love to help different arts organizations to continue doing their amazing work.”



Women & Equality


Helping to fight the discrimination, inequality and abuse faced by women in society is important for Sofie. “It’s something that feels close to me,” she said. “I feel like that could’ve been me if I would’ve chosen the wrong guy to be with or if I would’ve applied to a different job or a different industry. I hope that someday soon the world will be more equal.”



Helping Children


Children, of course, are the most vulnerable of humans, and Sofie believes it’s important to help them get on the right track from the start. “I feel if you help underprivileged children, make them feel that they have a future, all possibility is in their hands.”


New Horizons


In New York, Sofie intends to pursue a job in the fashion world. Her favorite labels include Valentino and Saint Laurent – “they are definitely my style” – but she wears many different brands and describes her look as boho chic with a contemporary edge. “It’s Isabel Marant meets Saint Laurent,” she said with a laugh.



Instagram: @sofiemahlkvist